Served w/White rice, beans, tortillas and hot sauce on the side. (Servido con arooz, frijoles, tortillas y salsa verde al lado

Carne de Cecina (Salted Steak)

Served w/White rice, beans, Salad, tortillas and hot sauce on the side. (Servido con arooz, frijoles, ensalada, tortillas y salsa verde al lado)

Mexican Steak (Bistec a la Mexicana)

Beef sauteed with fresh onions tomatoes and jalapeno peppers. Served w/White rice, beans, Salad, tortillas and hot sauce on the side. (Bistec cosinado con fresca sebolla, tomates y jalapeños Servido con arooz, frijoles, ensalada, tortillas y salsa verde al lado)

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