Served w/White rice, beans, tortillas and hot sauce on the side. (Servido con arooz, frijoles, tortillas y salsa verde al lado

Enchiladas Verdes o Mole

Chicken enchiladas topped with homemade green or mole sauce, melted cheese and sour cream. Enchiladas de pollo con salsa verde o Mole casero, queso derretido y crema Mexicana.

Flautas (Fried Tacos, with cheese or Chicken)

Fried Tacos, with cheese or Chicken. If desired serve with sour cream, picante sauce, lettuce tomato and onions Tacos fritos, con queso o pollo, servido con crema mexicana, salsa picante, lechuga, tomate y cebolla

Chuletas Fritas (Fried Pork Chops)

Served w/White rice, beans, Salad, tortillas and hot sauce on the side. (Servido con arooz, frijoles, ensalada, tortillas y salsa verde al lado)

Bistec Encebollado (Steak & Onion)

Served w/White rice, beans, Salad, tortillas and hot sauce on the side. (Servido con arooz, frijoles, ensalada, tortillas y salsa verde al lado)

Carne Enchilada (Spicy Pork Meat)

Served w/White rice, beans, Salad, tortillas and hot sauce on the side. (Servido con arooz, frijoles, ensalada, tortillas y salsa verde al lado)

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